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Pediatric Dentist - Dentistry for Children

Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS):

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides basic dental services to children. Dental services are capped at $1,000 over 2 consecutive calendar years.

Dental services include:

  • Examinations
  • X-rays
  • cleaning
  • fissure sealing
  • fillingsroot canals
  • extractions, and
  • partial dentures
Pediatric Dentist

The CDBS does not cover orthodontic, cosmetic dental work, or dental services provided at hospital.

There are some restrictions for dental services.

As a quality provider of General Dental services, our team at Tullamarine Complete dental can arrange for a consultation to discuss the services available for your children to ensure they have the best oral hygiene.

At the time of the appointment, we’ll discuss your child’s treatment and any associated costs with you before providing the services. After this has been discussed, you will need to sign a consent form.

We will arrange to bulk bill you on the day for any services performed under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). This means that the services performed under the scheme up to the available limit which is set as $1000 per eligible child over 2 calendar years.

Early Childhood Caries (ECC):

Your Child’s first teeth are as important as permanent teeth – they require daily care.

Missing primary teeth in early age can lead to serious orthodontic problems in permanent teeth.

Causes of ECC:

Night time bottle feed,

Settling the baby to sleep with bottle in mouth with milk, juice, sweetened drink, High sugar snacks, dry mouth (lack of saliva)

To Prevent ECC:

Teach the children about the daily care like brushing after each food taken & before bed.

Settling the baby to sleep with a bottle in mouth with milk, juice, sweetened drink, Settle the baby with plain tap water/dummy to prevent ECC.

Dentistry for Children

Daily care for baby & toddlers:

Brushing morning and before bedtime is needed to prevent the loss of primary teeth.

Gently wipe the gums and teeth with warm moistened clean face washer for babies and for toddlers gently brush teeth with plain water/with pea size toothpaste (buy toothpaste according to age) when they can spit out the toothpaste . Until the age of 10 yrs, children are needed to be supervised/helped during brushing.

Fissure Sealants:

Fissures are grooves naturally occurring on the surface of teeth especially in molar and premolar teeth. Some Fissures are Very deep and narrow which could trap food, attract bacteria and cause decay.

Fissures sealants are painless and non-invasive, no drilling, no injection required. Its white colour coating is applied in pits and grooves to form barrier which stops the food, bacteria, plaque from contacting tooth surfaces. Its a preventive measure. Contact our friendly dental team today and we’ll be happy to do full exam of your child’s teeth.

Dentistry for Children: Choose Tullamarine Complete Dental for the Best Treatment

Your child’s health comes first, and regular checks are essential. Your youngster may play outdoors a lot. Regular checkups can help you identify any ailments your kid could be experiencing.

Therefore if you need to contact the best pediatric dentist get in touch with us. We have the best pediatric dentist backup who will provide regular dental examinations and educate your kid on good oral hygiene.

Careful and Compassionate ECC Children’s Dental Services

Early childhood caries or primary tooth loss can cause severe orthodontic issues with permanent teeth. When baby teeth are the first to fall out, it may be simple to overlook their significance. Nonetheless, your child’s future oral health may depend on the condition of their baby’s teeth.  Moreover, it will assist in giving their jaws adequate room to accommodate permanent teeth.

To stop ECC, teach the kids about daily hygiene practices like brushing their teeth before going to bed and after every meal.

Our sessions with the best pediatric dentist will help children get used to dental checkups and complete oral care practices. We provide anxiety-free dental examinations for your kids! Establish a routine for your children’s dental care so you can monitor their progress.

Why Choose Our Pediatric Dentistry?

The reasons for choosing us include:

  • Professional and experienced dentists
  • Child-friendly setting and methodology to foster a good dental experience
  • A focus on patient education and preventive care for the long-term advantages of oral health
  • Modern facilities and gentle methods ensure relaxing and stress-free treatments
  • Dedication to creating enduring bonds with families and giving each child the best care possible

Get Our Pediatric Dentistry for Your Child’s Better Oral Health

The more youngsters attend dentists, the more they become acclimated to this practice, and it becomes usual. Regular checkups and visits to the dentist can help youngsters become more comfortable with the experience and reduce any anxiety they may have about going.

Are you trying to find a pediatric dentist or additional information about dental health for kids? Reach out to Tullamarine Complete Dental now!

Call our friendly dental team today to discuss treatment.

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