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A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and the tissues connected to those teeth. As we age, our teeth gradually deteriorate. Ageing teeth become brittle & crack and chip more readily. Tooth decay further adds to the problem. Millions of people worldwide wear dentures. With today’s technology, they look more natural and fit better than ever before.

Denture clinic tullamarine

Dentures are prosthetic devices made of acrylic plastic and sometimes porcelain and metal materials. A denture closely resembles natural gum tissue and teeth.

denture clinic tullamarine
partial dentures tullamarine
Complete dentures tullamarine

Complete dentures replace all of the teeth, while partial dentures fill in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevent other teeth from shifting position.

Who needs a denture?

A partial denture is for people who still have some of their natural teeth. Dentures are not just for elderly patients. Patients of any age may lose some or all of their teeth and may require a denture of some sort. Because teeth are a permanent part of the body, tooth loss can have an emotional impact on some people. It is important to talk to your dentist about any fears, anxiety, or other emotions you are feeling about tooth loss.

Are there any alternatives to dentures?

Dental implants are a possible alternative to dentures. Where the tooth has been lost and adjacent teeth are intact, the method of choice to replace the tooth is an implant which can be single tooth replacement/ multiple teeth replacement. This procedure is now routine and is considered a long term predictable treatment option.

Implants and bridges may resemble the “feel” of real teeth, Discuss with our dentist about which treatment option is best for you.

Tullamarine Complete Dental: Get the Best Service from Your Initial Denture Clinic Visit

Artificial gums and teeth called dentures are used to replace missing teeth. To ensure a flawless fit, they are manufactured within the patient’s mouth. Dentures may be custom-made for a single lost tooth, a specific jaw, or the complete set of teeth. Usually composed of solid resin, they must be changed every five years.

Advantages of Superior Dentures

When a patient loses most of their natural teeth, dentures at a denture care clinic are the most affordable approach to replace those missing teeth.

  • With the help of these lifelike prostheses, the user may restore the appearance and functionality of their missing teeth.
  • The patient can resume eating most of their favourite meals and speaking phrases correctly because of their dentures.

Partial and complete dentures are the two primary categories of dentures. Partial dentures at dentures clinic are meant for those who are missing some of their natural teeth, as their names suggest, while complete dentures are for people who have lost the majority of their natural ones.

How Our Denture Care Clinic Can Help You?

We have a testimonial of happy patients who have pointed out the following benefits of our

  • The Patient’s Bite Has Become Better

Merely losing a single tooth might cause problems while eating food. It is almost hard to consume anything that requires chewing when someone is missing most of their natural teeth. By replacing lost teeth, our dentures enable users to partake in many of the meals they loved before tooth loss.

●      Prevents Further Dental Issues

To fill the space left by a lost tooth, a person’s natural teeth tend to move toward it. The patient’s grin remains incomplete despite their teeth being out of alignment. We perform dentures function carefully by filling in the space left by a lost tooth or teeth, keeping the remaining teeth in place and preventing them from slipping out of alignment.

Thankfully, patients may have the best of both possibilities by combining dentures with implants.

Thankfully, patients may have the best of both possibilities by combining dentures with implants.

Reach Us Now

In every interaction with a patient, Tullamarine Complete Dental’s best denture clinic strives to be the finest denture clinic in the area regarding their level of comfort, knowledge, and satisfaction with their care.


Call our friendly dental team today to discuss treatment.

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