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Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal treatment?

If you experience excruciating pain in your tooth might be caused by an infected tooth pulp. When teeth get damaged, due to decay, disease or injury, the tooth pulp and other soft tissues inside can become inflamed and painful.

In short, to save a tooth that has been badly damaged, your dentist will removing the infected tooth pulp, take out the injured nerve and alleviate the pain, and replace it with a filling.

root canal treatment

Why Root Canal treatment is needed?

Root canal treatment is generally the preferred option to extraction as your own natural tooth is stronger and more effective for chewing and biting while cleaning and maintenance is a lot easier.

If you choose to leave the tooth untreated an infection may occur which could spread to the jaw. Pus can build up and cause pain while cysts may also develop. In some cases if the infection is left untreated it can lead to facial swelling which may require more aggressive treatment.


What exactly happens in a Root Canal treatment?

During a Root Canal treatment the inflamed or infected pulp inside the tooth is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown- porcelain/ metal or filling for protection from fracture of tooth. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.

Deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth common cause or root canal treatment. In addition, trauma to a tooth may cause pulp damage even if the tooth has no visible chips or cracks. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess. Most teeth can be treated by root canal treatment. Occasionally, a tooth can’t be saved because the root canals are not accessible, the root is severely fractured, the tooth doesn’t have adequate bone support, or the tooth cannot be restored. In such situations, your dentist may need to pull tooth out or save tooth by endodontic surgery by a specialist.

Advantages Of Having A Root Canal Treatment Done from Tullamarine Complete Dental

Tullamarine Complete Dental offers the best root canal treatment to relieve patients from experiencing tooth pain or discomfort due to dental infections or damage. Our professionals involve the latest techniques of root canals to make the process more painless and effective.

About Our Root Canal Treatment

Saving a lousy tooth by root canal therapy is a tried and true method. The root treatment technique includes extracting the diseased pulp from the canals inside the tooth roots and then cleaning, filling, and sealing the canals to avoid future infection or damage. Depending on the tooth’s location and the severity of the problem, the treatment may need one or more visits to the dentist.

To restore the tooth to full function and aesthetics when treatment is complete, a filling or crown may be used. While everyone is different, most people feel back to normal after just a few days of minor pain.

Benefits of Our Root Canal Treatment Service

Our root canal treatment comes with the following benefits

●      Curbs The Spread Of Disease

When a patient has root canal therapy, the infecting germs are eliminated. By doing so, the infection is contained inside the mouth rather than spreading to the jawbone, soft tissues, or facial regions. Once the diseased pulp is removed, the root canal is cleansed and disinfected, halting the progression of tooth decay in its tracks.

●      Restoring Overall Health

However, an endodontist can remove this danger and stop the spread of germs by performing a root canal procedure. It will restore your ability to bite, chew, and talk usually enhances your quality of life. To make a well-informed choice, you should talk to your dentist or endodontist about your overall health, anatomy, and other relevant considerations.

●      Painless Treatment

When most people think of a root canal, they imagine a horrible, excruciatingly painful experience. However, root canal retreatment at Tullamarine Complete Dental is performed since rotting and diseased pulp is the primary source of such discomfort. Our root treatment for teeth patients is likely to report no discomfort and complications thanks to our expert hands!

Why Take Our Root Canal Treatment Services?

We should be your first choice because:

  • We offer precise diagnosis and assessment for a root canal treatment
  • Expert root canal treatments using the latest techniques and equipment to ensure the best cleaning, disinfection and minimal discomfort
  • Post-treatment care and complimentary services
  • Personalized treatment plans

Find relief and preserve the health of your natural teeth with our trusted root canal treatment services at Tullamarine Complete Dental. Call us now to know more.

Call our friendly dental team today to discuss treatment.

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