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Dental Implants

Implant Restoration is the procedure for replacing a missing tooth/teeth with a single- or multiple-tooth implant, crown or bridge.

If you are self-conscious because you have missing teeth, wear dentures that are uncomfortable or don’t want removal of good tooth structure to make a bridge, talk to us to see if dental implants are an option for you.

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth and are designed to blend in with your other teeth. They are an excellent long-term option for restoring your smile. In fact, the development and use of implants is one of the biggest advances in dentistry in the past 40 years.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are made up of titanium and other materials that are compatible with the human body. They are posts that are surgically placed in the upper or lower jaw, where they function as a sturdy anchor for replacement teeth.

If you are interested in dental implants, it’s a good idea to discuss it with us.

The Best Dental Implant Clinic: Tullamrine Complete Dental

Dental implants are created to mimic your natural teeth in appearance, feel, and performance. In addition, implants provide patients with the assurance they need to dine out in public and interact with others without hiding their grins or fearing that their dentures may slip out.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

The benefits of dental implants are as follows

·       Enhancements To The Face

Unlike traditional bridgework, which requires reducing healthy tooth enamel, dental implants may be placed without reducing the size of neighbouring teeth. They will also prevent the jawbone from deteriorating and the bone desorption that causes it to shorten. Visit our dental clinic for implant to preserve your natural tooth tissue and stop the bone desorption and degradation that causes your jawbone to shrink

·       Prevents Prevention of the Remaining Teeth from Shifting

When you lose a tooth, a gap is formed, contributing to bone loss. The teeth that are still presented adjacent to the gap begin to move because of regular stress and mouth forces. Because of this issue, bone loss and tooth loss might accelerate. However, our best dental clinic implant provides the best solution to prevent these problems from occurring.

·       Helps You Chew More Efficiently

Chewing food correctly is one of the most important benefits of dental implants. ISO or ASTM International consensus standards generally manufacture materials used in dental implant systems. These criteria constitute a safe substance are specified in the standard norms.  Therefore, you can chew your food without any tension and live a better life.

Services Provided by Our Dental Clinic for Implant

We provide services like:

  • Single tooth implants
  • Multiple tooth implants
  • All-on-4 implants, etc.

Our implant dental clinic doctors understand the psychological and physiological benefits of a great grin. The patients at Tullamarine Complete Dental Implants Clinic get care for their oral health as well as their overall health. Deciding to improve your smile is a significant choice, and deciding amongst the many available treatments may be difficult.

 Restore Your Confidence with Dental Implants

At Tullamarine Complete Dental, our dental implant services can help you restore your smile and regain your confidence. Make an appointment for your consultation with us right now to get started on the path to a lifetime of functional, naturally-looking smiles.

All the laboratory related work has been conducted within Australia.

Call our friendly dental team today to discuss treatment.

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